Dear FCISD family,
Falls City ISD is conducting its annual Community and Student Performance Evaluation referred to as CASE survey. We value your opinion of our progress and would like for you to participate in the survey.
The survey will be open from May 22, 2017 through June 19, 2017. You will need a valid email address and the county district code. The county district code is: 128-904, some sites leave out the dash.
Please use the link below to register on the CASE site as a District evaluator to participate in the survey evaluation.
If you have previously participated in this evaluation, please use the login link and follow the steps to recover your password and/or username.
Your participation in this evaluation provides much needed feedback for school improvement efforts and affects the School's Performance rating.
It is a short survey; you will use a slider to determine the school's "grade" all the way to the right is a 10 and earns a score of Excellent.
Thank You very much for your participation in our Evaluation
Todd Pawelek,
Falls City ISD